
by Sofie Sund

“Mellow is a collection of photography by the Norwegian photographer, Sofie Sund. Through carefully constructed still life images, Sofie captures the essence of what is usually perceived simply as normality. However, with a playful yet delicate touch, this series of images strives to elevate and capture the wonder of those little ‘in-between moments’; the moments that when pieced together make up everyday life. Things we forget to notice in a fast-paced life, but that in many ways fill our days with meaning.

The notion of the ordinary is something which inspires Sofie, as well as the more purely obvious aesthetic details in the world around her. Experimenting with colour combinations and light is a big focus in this artist’s work. Sofie’s style is easily recognisable yet simple in its approach, with a light-heartedness that cuts through the sometimes emotionally oriented imagery. Using different textures and shapes, it is also clear that Sofie is fascinated by the smallest details – and now, with this ongoing photography project, this photographer wants to bring you into her creative universe.”

Published by New Heroes & Pioneers